Where you can watch online on March 22nd @ 9AM:
• Great Faith Website: https://www.greatfaith.church/live
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/greatfaithchurch
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greatfaithc3
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/GreatFaithC3
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Greetings in the Name of Jesus!
I pray this letter finds you victorious as you Prevail in Faith in 2020! I continue to remain in agreement for God’s best which is to prosper you and for you to be in health even as your soul prospers. Our national health officials and local government have posted various guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID 19, limiting our ability to safely assemble without putting members of our church and community at risk for the corona virus. However, assembly limits do not impact our ability to minister to the spiritual needs of our church family and continue to reach our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The recent pandemic impacting our world has given Great Faith Church a unique opportunity to reach more people for Jesus, who would not normally come through the physical doors of our church.
Beginning this Sunday March 22, 2020 Great Faith Church will broadcast our worship services online only until we are able to assemble safely again. We have been streaming our Sunday services live since 2012. Three years ago we began to multi-stream on various platforms that include Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and our Great Faith Church website with great success. Over the years, we have invested hundreds of volunteer hours, along with thousands in financial resources to become technically sound and consistent in streaming our worship services online. The members and partners of Great Faith Church are accustomed to the option of an online worship experience. Although I am thankful for our ability to reach people through the live stream, God told me that it’s time to take our online worship experience to another level of excellence and excitement.
This week we are transforming our church to give our members and visitors a front-row seat to an enhanced Online Church experience. This Sunday, March 22nd at 9AM our church family will assemble together online for one worship service. Our midweek Great Life Today & Turn Up Prayer services will only be provided online. This Sunday I am believing for a record number of members and visitors in attendance via the stream! My desire for you during this time of ministry is to equip and encourage you spiritually with anointed worship and an amazing Word from God that will increase your faith to overcome the challenges of our time.
In the coming days, our homes will become the place that we assemble together for online church. Therefore, I am asking you to prioritize our time together by setting aside a place in your home to engage in the online church experience, worshipping God with all of your heart without distraction. I will be providing some guidelines that are essential to an impactful Online God Encounter Worship Experience in your home. I believe that our church family will benefit as we grow together in faith for God’s help, healing and a greater harvest through this experience. The Word that I heard from God for 2020 is to expect “Greater Results” as we “Prevail in Faith.” Let's agree with God’s Word and “grow through this!” I hope that I can count on you to lend me your faith and participation in the coming days. Pastor Angela and I love you and promise to support you in faith during this time.
Prevail in 2020!
Pastor Patrick Ligon