Returning to In-Person Worship

Phase Three: Introducing 11:15am service and Dominion Kids

Welcome Back!

We are returning back to in-person worship in three phases. As we enter into Phase Two, please pay close attention to the safety measures & guidelines that are now in place. 

Our staff and volunteers are here to ensure you have a safe and healthy time of worship. Let’s all do our part in expectation of full recovery! 

First, there are a few important things to note if you are planning to attend service in-person. God Encounter Sunday is taking place at 9AM both ONLINE and in person (limited capacity of 100 persons). 

Things to note:

  • During Phase 2, Ages 60+ are invited to enjoy service, while maintaining social distancing guidelines.

  • Dominion Kids (Children’s Church) WILL NOT be open. Kids and Teens must sit with parents or guardians.

Here are a few Q&A’s to help you know what to do this Sunday:

For the safety of everyone, we are asking that the following persons NOT attend:

  • Anyone who has had a fever, chills, a cough, breathing difficulties, or loss of smell or taste within the past 48 hours before the service.

  • Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

  • Anyone who has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 21 days.

  • Persons who may have other underlying health challenges that compromise your immune system.


  • There are 100 seats available for you to register. This is based on a first come, first serve basis. No exceptions. Limit: 6 seats per group to sit together.

  • Every person in the building will be wearing a face mask.

  • Every person will be given a temperature check when they enter the building.

  • There will be hand sanitizers throughout the lobby.

  • Signs and volunteers will be on hand to give you directions.

  • Dominion Kids (Children’s Church) will not be open. Kids and Teens must sit with parents or guardians.

  • You must allow 2 seats between your group and other groups while in the worship center. 

  • Please refrain from physical contact. Not everyone is comfortable with physical contact.

Pillars of Safety

Our safety measures are focused around the three pillars of Prohibiting Sickness Practicing Social Distancing and Prioritizing Sanitization:

Prohibiting Sickness

- Wearing a face covering is encouraged.

- Your temperature will be evaluated before entry. If your temperature reads at 99 degrees or above, your entry will not be permitted. Please enjoy service online at

- Stay home if you are not feeling well and enjoy service online at

Practicing Social Distancing

- Please keep a distance of at least 6 feet from others.

- Refrain from hugging. (We know it's hard but you can do it )

- During service, please allow 3 chairs between your family and others.

Prioritizing Sanitization

- Our team will periodically clean high-touch surfaces to ensure safety.

- Clean your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer.

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Our first priority is the health of you, your families and our team members. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!