
Pastors Patrick & Angela Ligon

Great Faith Church

Greetings in the Great Name of Jesus! I pray this letter finds you in faith and receiving the outpouring of Gods “Favor for Greater”. I am grateful for every one of you who participated in our twenty one day fast. It was most refreshing to see God show up and renew our passion and purpose to please Him, in spite of the challenges of social injustice and the COVID 19 pandemic. Please pray for me as I continue to develop the “Strategies for Effective Change” that will bring the Kingdom of God to various areas of our community.

A couple of weeks ago the Lord stirred me to increase my faith. While on a prayer walk, I heard the Lord say to me Patrick, “pick up your faith”. As the Lord ministered to me, I realized that God’s desire was for me to improve my faith to manifest the favor increase that has been prophesied. In the seventeenth chapter of Luke the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith.

And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. Luke 17:5-6 KJV.

Jesus answered the apostles request with a revelation. Faith is increased by using the faith that we have been given. The scriptures declare that God has given to every man the measure of faith.

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Rom 12:3 KJV

A way to understand how faith is increased is by comparing the faith God has given us to our muscles. Just like faith, God has given everyone a set of muscles. If my muscles are not exercised there size and strength will not develop and increase. Like my muscles my faith must be exercised for it to develop and increase. Increased faith will yield greater manifestation of our dreams and God’s promises for our lives. Our faith is nourished as we hear the Word, and faith is exercised by declaring the Word and acting on it consistently. When God said, “pick up your faith”, He was telling me to improve and increase my faith by hearing, declaring and acting on the Word to bring manifestation. I am sensitive to the various faith fights that you face. During these challenging times many of you have used your faith to overcome the obstacles in your family, finances and health. However, I am also aware that many are still fighting in faith to overcome. In Joshua we find the children of God remaining unified as they entered the promised land fighting the enemy together until they all obtained God’s promised inheritance. Although some have experienced victory, we must not forget to intercede for and encourage those who are still overcoming faith challenges. When we fight together, we win together. With this in mind, I am elevating a faith focus in our church to remain unified as we Pursue, Overtake and without fail, Recover All that has been stolen from us.

In First Samuel chapter 30, David and his men return to Ziklag and find that there wives, children and all their possessions had been stolen by the Amalekites. David and his men were despondent and wept until they could cry no more. After weeping, the men became angry at David for their losses, and were ready to stone him. David turned to God concerning this situation.

“And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8 KJV

The Word of the Lord for David in a position of loss was not to start over, but rather to pursue, overtake and without fail recover all that was stolen from them. In the same chapter, David used his faith to rally his men from a place of depression and despondency, to a place of defeating the enemy and recovering all just like the Lord promised him. For many believers 2020 feels like a year of ambush. Suddenly, many have seen the losses of relationships, finances and health. However, we must be like David and rally from being depressed and despondent to releasing faith to defeat the enemy and recover all! Sunday, September 20, 2020 I will begin a new series called Faith to Recover All. You don’t want to miss any one of these lessons designed to revive & reenergize your Faith to Recover All. To keep your faith focused, our creative team has designed a face mask with the faith statement, Pursue / Overtake / Recover All. We are giving them away for free while supplies last!! I am grateful for a God who always sends a Word in season for those who are weary.

I am also excited to announce our partnership with Apostle I.V. Hilliard for the “The Resilient Faith Crusade”. I have agreed to be a host church for this event that promises to provide believers with the faith tools to bounce back from trials, tragedies and traumas. To partner with me in “Faith to Recover All”, here is what I am asking you to do.


Make a commitment to be in attendance virtually or in person for the next eight Sundays beginning September 20, 2020 to receive faith instruction and impartation for “Faith to Recover All”. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We increase our faith through the practice of hearing, declaring and acting on the Word consistently to bring manifestation.


Request your free Pursue / Overtake / Recover All mask by texting the word “mask” to 407-512-8144 (or click here). You will be asked to fill out your name, address, phone# and email address. The masks will be mailed to you after you supply the information required or they can be picked at our church Sundays beginning 9/20/2020 after our morning service while supplies last.

Face Covering Offer.png


Register for the free virtual “Resilient Faith Crusade” to be held Monday September 21, 2020 at 8PM EST. To register text RFC2020 to 71441. Those who register for this free event will be eligible to receive the prizes and gifts given away that night.


Finally, Great Faith Church has been blessed to receive an outpouring of participation from those who have sown their “Greater Seed”. It was during our 13th year Church Anniversary celebration on July 31st that many of you sowed a catalyst seed of $300 and pledged to give an additional $1000 within 60 days of our conference. I remain in agreement with you who are still in faith for the resources to fulfill your pledge to receive greater harvest.

And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness [which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness, and charity]. 2 Corinthians 9:10 AMP

Thank you again for your partnership. Pastor Angela and I love you and are grateful for the privilege to pastor some of most loving and faithful people in the Body of Christ.


Pastor Patrick Ligon