
Pastors Patrick & Angela Ligon

Great Faith Church

To God be the Glory for the things that He has done. I decree that this is the year that you REST in Faith! The Spirit of God has instructed me to teach you how to release your Faith to REST in 2021. I am using the slogan REST in Faith as an abbreviated way to focus on “Recover Every Promise of God Supernaturally Through Faith.” God is calling you away from the stress, strain, and struggle of self-effort to the supernatural manifestations that your faith will produce.

Listen to what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30 MSG translation:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me— watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

God desires for us to learn the rhythms of His grace and favor living freely and lightly. As we begin the New Year, I am asking that you join me for a time of corporate prayer and consecration to seek God’s wisdom and direction for 2021. This seven-day fast begins on Monday, January 4th, and goes through Sunday, January 10th.

God promises to reward us when we fast and pray according to His will.

Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. Then when you pray, God will answer. You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’ Isaiah 58:9 MSG

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 18:19 KJV

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 1 John 5:14-15KJV

I declare over your life right now that as you REST during this time of fasting and consecration, that God is positioning you to “Recover Every Promise of God Supernaturally Through Faith” In Jesus’ name. Anytime we fast and pray in corporate unity, we have a right to see God respond to our faith for His promises. God has promised you REST! To receive the details and instructional guidelines for the “REST in Faith” corporate prayer and consecration, please click here or see below.

Also, please join me tonight, for the Great Faith Church NYE Launch Party. Out of an abundance of caution, there will be no in-person gathering, it will be Live Streamed on our Great Faith Church Facebook and YouTube pages @ 7:30 PM. Let’s maximize this moment to worship and connect as a family one last time this year!

Finally, will you prayerfully consider giving a special end of the year gift that will assist Great Faith Church to continue to provide the message of Faith that Makes Lives Better for others? As you help us with your most generous gift, it will enable us to start the year strong in expanding God’s Kingdom. Thank you for your prayers and generosity, which are most appreciated. The Word of God promises this to you…. "Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free." Ephesians 6:8 KJV

Believing God’s best as you REST in Faith in 2021. I am looking forward to seeing you in the stream for our NYE celebration tonight at 7:30 PM.

P.S. Please click HERE to go to the giving link so that your gift will be accounted for right away. Make sure your gift is sent before midnight on December 31, 2020. As you know, it is tax-deductible for this 2020 tax year!

Making Lives Better

Pastor Patrick Ligon

Fasting Guidelines

REST in Faith Consecration & Prayer Guidelines MON Jan 4th - SUN Jan 10th 2021 - 12AM to 3PM Daily

Fasting Participation Levels

Level 1 Fast each day from 12AM - 3PM

During the Fast - No Food, No water. During the Fast No Social Media, (FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube etc.) T.V., or unnecessary entertainment including internet unless work related.

Level 2 Fast each day from 12AM - 3PM

During the Fast No food, drink water only or 100% fruit juice. During the Fast , No Social Media, (FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube etc) T.V., or unnecessary entertainment including internet unless work related.

Level 3 Fast each day from 12AM - 3PM

During the Fast drink water only or 100% fruit juice. Fruit & Vegetables only (No sweets, No meat, No Bread). During the Fast No Social Media, (FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube etc.) T.V., or unnecessary entertainment including internet unless work related

REST in Faith Daily Meditation - Mark 4:26; Joshua 1:8; Mark 11:23

Monday January 4, 2021

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The joy of the Lord is my strength, I am doing all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Therefore I am never overwhelmed. I overcome every trial, temptation, test and all trouble in my life. Phil 4:13 Neh 8:10; 1Cor 10:13; Eph 6:10; 2Cor 2:14; 1Cor 15:57

Tuesday January 5, 2021

I have the mind Christ Jesus. I make myself of no reputation & I choose to REST in Faith, and not become offended during my days of contradiction. 1 Cor 2:16 ; Phil 2:5-8; Prov 4:23ERV; 1 Peter 4:12; Ps 119:165

Wednesday January 6, 2021

I am blessed and things are changing in my favor. What I see now is only temporary. Eph 1:3; II Cor 4:18; Is 40:28; 2Pet 1:2-5

Thursday January 7, 2021

I have authority over the devil. I will not fear. Nothing shall by any means hurt me. Luke 10:19; Ps 27; Isaiah 54:17; Matt 8:16; 2 Tim 1:7

Friday January 8, 2021

I am the Healed of the Lord resisting all sickness and disease. I declare that every nerve, cell and organ in my body is functioning according to its created design. 1 Peter 2:24; Prov 4:20-22; Is 58:8

Saturday January 9, 2021

I am abundantly supplied and all my needs are met. I have more than enough finances to sow, share, save and spend. Prov 10:22; Jn. 10:10; Deu 8:18; Prov 10:22; Lk 6:38; 3 John 1:2 ; Ps 35:27; Prov 28:20; Job 36:11; Is 1:19; 1Tim 6:17

Sunday January 10, 2021

I have the wisdom of God; I hear the Father’s voice. My steps are ordered by by the Lord and He is insructing me in every situation. Jn. 10:4-5; Ps 37:23; Ps 119:105; Ps 119:130; 1 Cor 2:9-16

Make the following commintments to succesfully REST in Faith this week.

1. Say the Daily Mediation Confession (above) out loud three times each day.

2. Study the Scriptures for each day’s meditation focus.

3. Document what the Holy Spirit speaks to you each day.

4. Feed your Faith on WED Jan 6, 2021 @7:30PM by streaming the Great Life Today Show Live on the Great Faith Church Facebook / YouTube page.

5. Connect for corporate unity THUR Jan, 7, 2021- @7:30PM by streaming the Turn Up Prayer Live on the Great Faith Church Facebook / YouTube page.

6. Attend in person or stream God Encounter SUN Jan 9, 2021 9AM on the Great Faith Church Facebook / YouTube page. 
