Wisdom for Future Generations

Faith Ignite Focus: Wisdom for Future Generations

Faith Ignite Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:6 ICB, "Obey these laws carefully. This will show the other nations that you have wisdom and understanding. They will hear about these laws. And they will say, “This great nation of Israel is wise and understanding."

Faith Inspirational Devotional: Wisdom doesn't stop with us; it reverberates through generations. Living wisely offers a template of godliness that impacts not just our lives but those of future generations.

Faith Impact Confession: "By walking in wisdom, I set a godly example for generations to come. In Jesus' name."

Allow today’s devotional to root you deeper in the wisdom that comes from the fear of the Lord. As you embrace this godly wisdom, you will experience abundant blessings and favor. Thank you for journeying with me this week. Until next time, this is Pastor Patrick Ligon; keep living by faith.

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