Persistent and Faithful Prayer

Faith Ignite Scripture (CEV): Luke 18:1 - "Jesus told his disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up."

Faith Devotional: Persistence and faithfulness characterize powerful prayer. Jesus encourages us to keep praying and never give up. Let your prayers be persistent, knowing that God hears and answers.

Faith Impact Confession: "I persist in prayer, never giving up. My faithfulness in prayer yields results. I am confident that God hears and answers. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

Pastor Patrick Ligon encourages you to live in the joy and happiness that effective prayer brings. Keep those prayers aligned with God's will, and watch as happiness unfolds in your life. Stay tuned for more Faith Ignite, where we fan the flames of faith together. Until next time, keep those prayers aligned, and may happiness overflow in your life!

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