Clarifying Your Vision

Faith Ignite Focus: Aligning with God's vision brings fulfillment and happiness.

Faith Ignite Scripture: Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) - "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

Faith Ignite Devotional: We find true fulfillment and happiness when aligning with God’s vision. Without a clear vision from God, we can become undisciplined and lose our way. God's vision provides us with direction and purpose, leading us to a life that pleases Him and brings us joy. As we seek His vision, we are reminded that our ultimate objective is to glorify Him in all we do.

Faith Impact Step: Spend prayer today, asking God to reveal His vision for your life. Write down any insights or directions He gives you.

Faith Impact Confession: I am aligned with God's vision for my life, and I find fulfillment and happiness in His purpose.

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