Posts tagged faith
Executing Your Faith

1. Find the will of God for your situation in the Word of God 

2. Source scriptures that agree with your desired faith outcome and write them down. 

3. Ask for the promise of God for your situation using the scriptures you sourced. Believe at the moment you pray that you have the promise because the Word says so not how you feel. 

4. Find a photo of your faith goal to use as a visual aid to crystalize your faith outcome in your heart, believing that it’s yours now! See your condition changed, your relationship, career, home, on the vacation, your body is healed, and your family restored. 

5. Tape your Faith Habit Goal Card in a visible place. Thank God daily for what you believe you receive despite what you see or how you feel.

6. Create a confession in agreement with the Word of God that is personal, in the present tense.

7. Say the confession persistently day and night. You will have what you say.

9 Steps to changing any negative situation

1. Find the will of God for your situation in the Word of God. John 17:17

2. Source scriptures that agree with your desired faith outcome and write them down. Habbakuk 2:2

3. Pray the promise of God for your situation using the scriptures you sourced when you pray. Believe at the moment you pray that you have the promise because the Word says so not how you feel. 1 John 5:14; Mark 11:24

4. Find a photo of your faith goal to use as a visual aid to crystalize your faith outcome in your heart believing that it’s yours now! See your condition changed, you’re in the relationship, career, home, on the vacation, your body is healed your family restored. Joshua 1:8

5. Tape your Faith Habit Goal Card in a visible place. Thank God daily for what you believe you receive despite what you see or how you feel. Proverbs 29:18

6. Create a confession in agreement with the Word of God that is personal and in present tense. For Example: I am healed, not I will be healed; Every need is met, not every need will be met. Job. 22:28

7. Say this confession persistently day and night. You will have what you say. 
Hebrews 10:23

8. Stay away from negative people and environments. Resist the temptation to prove anything while you work the faith process. 1 Corinthians 15:33 AMP

9. Fill your heart up by listening to a minimum of 1 hour of biblical teaching daily to build your faith and keep your thoughts in agreement with the Word.
 Proverbs 4:23